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Discipleship 101: Bench the bar

No, this video isn’t about weight training. But my weight training story definitely applies to...

Challenging New Testament Priority

A short video explaining and then challenging a New Testament priority in Biblical hermeneutics....

Hawkins Favorite book of the Bible is SHOCKING to many Christians

A typical Christian in the world today might say their favorite book of the Bible is perhaps the...

What is God Really Doing in the World?

As a ministry intern and Bible school student, I earnestly prayed to "know God's heart". He answered that prayer as I simply opened up the pages of scripture and understood the larger narrative of redemptive history.

What Makes Grace Truly Grace?

There are words in modern Christian vernacular that have assumed a contrary or incomplete meaning...

Who Do You Say I Am?

Peter’s response to Jesus’ well-known question in Matthew 16 affirms that Jesus was the...

Themes of the Gospel

John Harrigan briefly shares the themes of the Gospel.

Jarvis Family Testimony

Jeremy Jarvis shares testimonies around the journey of his family. Cancer, adoption, trauma, and...