Biblical Worldview

The God of Israel and the Families of the Earth

God chose one family to finally save the other families of the earth and bring them all back to Him....

What Is The Gospel?

The storyline of the Bible is critical to understanding the gospel and the scriptures surrounding...

The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth

In this episode we begin our discussion on Genesis and the Torah, highlighting some of the primary...


The book of Ruth moves the biblical narrative along in a way that it makes a connection between the...

Genesis 1

Genesis 1: This session focuses on Biblical cosmology.

Genesis 2

Genesis 2: This session focuses on the layout of Eden as a garden temple and the role of humanity as...

Genesis 4-11

Genesis 4-11: This session tracks the process leading to further corruption of the earth that occurs...

Genesis 12-23

Genesis 12-23: This session tracks the life of Abraham and the Abrahamic covenant.