
Genesis 1

This series walks through Genesis 1 with six different focuses. The first session asks questions around creation’s importance highlighting the process of creation, God’s emotions in the midst of the creation account, God’s covenant with creation, and Jesus’ role in creation as the Alpha and the Omega. Session 2 works through the structure and function of the heavens. Session 3 asks many questions including why did God wrap Himself in His own creation of light. Session 4 seeks to Biblically define what the Kingdom of God. Session 5 searches out the concept and nature of seed, and how it ultimately weaves into God’s plan of redemption through “The Seed” (Messiah), Jesus Christ. And finally, session 6 gives a lot of thought to the environment of Eden in the beginning.

Creation’s Importance

This teaching highlights the process of creation, God’s emotions in the midst of the creation account, God’s covenant with creation, and Jesus’ role in creation as the Alpha and the Omega.

Structure of the Heavens

This teaching works through the structure and function of the heavens.

God of Light

Light didn’t exist until God said, “Let there be light.” As a result, light is something created by God who is beyond light.

Defining the Kingdom

This teaching seeks to Biblically define what the Kingdom of God is, and ask several questions in references of the Kingdom throughout Scripture.

The Seed

This teaching searches out the concept and nature of seed, and how it ultimately weaves into God’s plan of redemption through “The Seed” (Messiah), Jesus Christ.

Edenic Temple Complex

What was life like in the Garden? What role did the tree of life play in the perpetuation of human life?