
Q&A #5 with Bill, John, and Josh

Bill, John, and Josh tackle your questions in this fifth Q&A episode. Topics include realized...

Episode 1 - Christianity and True Friendship - Opening Up the Gospels

In this premiere episode of my weekly video series, Opening Up the Gospels, I talk about the first...

9a – Sustaining Prayer Through A House Church Form

There are many forms, beliefs and opinions around how the Church should function. This teaching...

9b – Sustaining Prayer Through A House Church Form

There are many forms, beliefs and opinions around how the Church should function. This teaching...

5a – Cosmological Regeneration vs. Annihilation

This teaching points out the result of a western worldview in light of reading Scripture. Platonic...

9a – The Age Of Colonialism: 1800-1900 AD

With the onset of the great age of colonialism spurred by the revolutions in America and France, as...

9b – The Age Of Colonialism: 1800-1900 AD

As the Second Great Awakening moved into full swing, a primary figure within the movement was...

1a - The Roman Age: 0-500 AD

The early years of worldwide evangelism are discussed as well as some of the events and...

1b - The Roman Age: 0-500 AD

Early church expansion covered most of the known world within the first century AD. The Apostles...

3a – The Germanic Age: 500-1000 AD

In this class, John discusses the rise of the papacy and the subsequent fall of the western Roman...

3b – The Germanic Age: 500-1000 AD

Starting with the rise of the particular type of monasticism characteristic of the Celtic church,...

5a – The European Age: 1000-1500 AD

This class session deals with the Great schism between the western Roman Catholic church and the...