
Bible Reading

Jeremy Johnson explores the importance of regularly meeting with God in His Word.

The Bible Was Not Written To You

How should we read the Bible and relate to the words within its pages? Scripture should be read...

Episode 7 - Introduction to Matthew's Gospel - Opening Up the Gospels

Who wrote Matthew and when was it written? What are some of the key themes of Matthew’s...

Episode 8 - Introduction to Mark's Gospel - Opening Up the Gospels

Mark is the shortest, most succinct, and most action-packed Gospel out of the four of them. In this...

Episode 9 - Introduction to Luke's Gospel - Opening Up the Gospels

Luke’s Gospel is unique in so many ways – from the way he narrates Jesus’ birth to...

Episode 10 - Introduction to John's Gospel - Opening Up the Gospels

John’s Gospel is perhaps the most unique one out of the four. In this episode, I cover...

Proclamation – Why The Urgency?

Birth stands in a category of its own. Few events in life so dramatically display such a wide range...

The Prophetic

This teaching expounds on one of the foundational 4 “P’s” that define the Daniel Training...

Biblical Nature of Truth

John Harrigan does a great job of understanding how the nature of truth works; how important it is...