
Share in Christ's Sufferings

In this lesson, we continue our study of 1 Peter, considering Peter’s words about what it...

The Spirit's Work Through Weak Vessels

Tim Miller speaking on the Spirit’s work through weak vessels.

The Parable of the Sower and the Testing of the Message

This is a short discussion on the Parable of the Sower when Jesus highlights the dynamic of the...

Living for the Age to Come

What is the “age to come”, and what does it mean to live for it?

Renewing the Vision

At this special Good Friday Emmaus Road Gathering, we will talk about some of the stories and...

Leaving Everything

Bill exhorts us all to run the race until the end. To point our lives in such a way that we die to...

Cross Bearing and the Gospel

Great reminder from Bill Scofield on forsaking this life for the eternal life in the next age.

Biblical Theology: Cruciform Apocalypticism

Biblical theology is built upon a simple linear timeline. It has a real historical beginning; it has...

Cruciform Apocalypticism Question & Answer

Hear various questions from the audience concerning the Cruciform Apocalypticism teaching and John...

Following Jesus In The Way Of Self-Sacrifice

Tim Miller lays the foundation for the conference theme of being a faithful witness.

Martyrdom: The Glorious Destiny of the Church

The Scriptures clearly declare that global martyrdom is the glorious destiny of the end-time church.