The Witness EP (2015)

This album has been a five year process of songwriting, crushing, and finally this 7 song EP. We tell you this not to boast, but to encourage you that these songs weren’t written frivolously for monetary benefit. This is the third attempt to make this album. The Lord divinely shut it down the first two times we tried. During this time of crushing, the Lord asked us to “lay Isaac on the altar.” We did, and hoped for “the ram in the thicket.” Over the last year the Lord brought our family into a time where His Gospel took a deeper effect in our lives through many practical means. Surprisingly, after this time, the Lord spoke to us that it was time to start the album again. These songs had finally become more than songs and had actually become the reality of His Gospel in our lives.

Our desire was for the Lord to be glorified in this album through songs that are a proper representation of the witness of Scripture. Therefore, the first song calls us to turn our eyes from ourselves and onto the Lamb of God. The second song reminds us that this gift of mercy from God was poured out in Jesus’ blood on the Cross so that in the third song we can sing “I will only boast in the Cross alone!” The third song ends testifying to the Spirit of adoption shown us in the Cross and that we are crying out “Abba!” groaning to inherit that adoption into His kingdom when He returns. This transitions into the truth of the Blessed Hope which is the glorious day of His appearing in song 4. However, proceeding this glorious day is the reality of Jacobs Trouble and covenantal controversy between God and Israel that we gentiles find ourselves in the midst of. Thus, we cry out this chorus “That our eyes would be a fountain of tears,” to understand what God feels regarding His Firstborn. This song ends testifying to the truth of His redemption for Israel, humbling gentiles to the primary story of Scripture. The next song is directed to gentiles to lead us in a spirit of repentance regarding the state of our churches and that we are waning on the testimony of Christ Crucified as a witness to the Firstborn. The encouragement is to repent, and stand firm unto the end that we might receive the rewards promised us in Revelation 2-3 spoken at the end. The final song on the album tells the truth of who faceless is––sinners in the hands of God’s merciful grace. We wanted to leave the album on this note, as a witness to the fact that we are not singing these hard issues from an elitist standpoint, but from there… at the foot of the Cross where we all stand equal. In this manner we saw the album functioning as a whole witness, or testimony, embodying many of the elements of the Gospel of our bible. We pray it blesses and encourages you, and we hope it produces a response in many hearts to the truth of Jesus’ Gospel. Even so, Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!