Oh the righteousness of God
Has been revealed by the Father above
In that He gave His only Son
To our ransom with His own blood
No man is righteous, no not one
All have fallen short of the glory of God
Oh, but His flesh was torn!
And the Father was appeased and we can now come
In this one thing will I boast
In the Cross of Christ alone
Justified as a gift by His grace
In this redemption He has displayed His righteousness
The wrath of God has now ceased
Upon those who choose to believe
In the atonement that has been made
And the Father justifies them upon this faith
If we are baptized into His death
And crucified with Christ Jesus
If we will put to death the deeds of the flesh
And choose to walk by His Spirit
This is the Spirit of adoption
By this Spirit we cry “Abba! Abba!”
As the Children of God (here just return to the chorus progression repeat)