
Numbers 1-21

Notes Outline


    1. Weightiness of these texts. They are set in the midst of the rest of the scriptures and have a purpose. They communicate the weightiness and severity of sin, and especially how it relates to the holiness of God.

      While we work through these things, remember that we are not dealing with just a force, but the God that we serve and has called us to Himself. 

    2. The name comes from the ancient Greek text, and is an attempt to give a title from the theme of the beginning.
    3. The Hebrew name means “in the wilderness.”
    4. The book spans the whole 40+ year wilderness journey. 


    1. How does the book of Numbers fit into the rest of the story?
      1. It picks up where Exodus left off
      2. The first section is preparation for the Israelites to now leave mount Sinai to go to the promise land. 
      3. 10-20 Israel moves from Sinai to wilderness 
      4. 21-36 from wilderness to Moab 
      5. Ends on the foot steps of the promised land


    1. Numbers is hard to systematize. It has narrative sections and sections of laws intermingled throughout. Laws and narratives throughout seem connected.
    2. Chapters
      1. Census of army
      2. Arrangement of camp
      3. Instructions for Levites as priests/levites numbered/duties of Levite priests
      4. Duties of various families within Levite tribe/ preparing tabernacle for journeys
      5. Cleansing of the camp, both moral and ceremonial 
      6. Nazarite vow
      7. Leaders of the people give offerings to the newly constructed tabernacle 
      8. Consecrating and setting apart of the levites for service 
      9. First Passover festival 🙌🏼🎊🎂🎁🎉😇
      10. Trumpets for war and celebration made/ tribes leave Sinai 
      11. Cycle of grumbling begins 
        1. People grumble for food 
        2. Moses grumbles because people’s grumbling 
        3. Yahweh helps Moses by appointing 70 elders
          1. Elders given the Holy Spirit 
          2. Acts two is a similar moment in the history of Israel 
        4. Yahweh sends quail for the people 
      12. Aaron and Miriam complain against Moses 
      13. Spies sent to spy out the land/ Spies give bad report
      14. People rebel because of the bad report
        1. They almost stone Moses 
        2. Yahweh intervenes
        3. Yahweh says he will wipe out Israel and start over with Moses
        4. Moses intercedes for them based on the name of the Lord
        5. The Lord pardons the people, but this event leads to the pronouncement that the current generation would not be allowed to enter the land, but only those 20 years and younger.
        6. People mourned and some still try to enter, but were defeated by some of the canaanites 
      15. Laws for when the younger generation enters the land
      16. Korah’s rebellion 
      17. Aaron’s rod budded 
      18. Duties of Levites/ portion of offerings given to priests
      19. Red heifer for cleansing the unclean 
        1. Death of Miriam 
        2. Waters of meribah
          1. Moses strikes rock instead of speak
        3. Death of Aaron
          1. A victory over Arad
          2. Fiery serpents/bronze serpent 
          3. Sihon of Amorites would not have Israelites in his land, Yahweh gives Israel victory