Age of Earth

Creation and the Redemptive Narrative

In this episode we discuss creation as a paradigm for redemption. We looked at Genesis and the...

Ancient Near East Creation Narratives

As the requirements of apologetics seem to be slowly switching from that of philosophical arguments...

S1 - Creation of the Heavens, Earth and all their Host

An Introduction to the class and overview of creation in Genesis one.

P1 - Conversation on Genesis 1, the gods and Man in God’s Image

Why does Cosmology matter? What does it mean for man to be made in God's image?

1b – Earth’s Global Flood

This session gives tangible evidence of the Biblical flood and seeks to make the flood event a real...

2a – False Evidences For Evolution

This session exposes the false evidence for evolution that has been integrated into most educational...

2b – Evidence For Recent Creation

This teaching does a great job at revealing how the earth is young and not billions of years old...

3a – The Glory of the Original Earth

In this teaching, John gives tangible evidence to what the earth was like in the beginning, and thus...

3b – The Glory of Original Man

In this teaching, John gives tangible evidence to what man was like in the beginning, and thus what...