The Lord's Voice

El Primer Mandamiento En Primer Lugar

¡Debemos guardar el primer mandamiento en primer lugar! Henry comparte sobre esto en esta...

The First Commandment In First Place

We must keep the first commandment in first place! Henry shares on this in this teaching.

AFGHANISTAN IN PROPHECY: The Taliban, Biblical Prophecy, and the Great Harvest

What does the Bible say about these significant events that are unfolding in Afghanistan?

Jarvis Family Testimony

Jeremy Jarvis shares testimonies around the journey of his family. Cancer, adoption, trauma, and...

Unconditional Love Lived

Jeremy Jarvis shares part 1 of the testimony of his family and God's work in the journey they have taken. The first part highlights what unconditional love looks like in context to Jeremy's relationship with who his wife would be and has become.

Acts 1 and the Giving of the Spirit

Bill Scofield speaking on Acts 1 and the giving of the Spirit.

The Spirit and Everyday Life

Vic Gerson speaking on the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.

Eagerly Desiring the Gifts of the Spirit

Jeremy Johnson speaking on our need to eagerly desire the gifts of the Spirit.

Our Need for the Spirit's Witness

Tim opens the One Hope One Boast Conference on The Spirit’s Witness by talking about our need...

The Spirit as the Spirit of Prophecy

Henry Bruno speaking on the Spirit as the Spirit of prophecy.

We Pray Because Things Are Not OK

The world we live in is loud and getting louder by the day. It is all the more urgent that we...

Episode 84 - The Transfiguration - Opening Up the Gospels

After predicting His suffering, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain and is...