
Share in Christ's Sufferings

In this lesson, we continue our study of 1 Peter, considering Peter’s words about what it...

The Mark of the Beast

Cameron Horner expounds on the Mark of the Beast while on Mike Zwick’s podcast, If Not For...

AFGHAN CHRISTIAN: "We will continue God's work" - A Message From the Underground Church in Afghanistan

Hear a direct communication from an Afghan Christian leader on the ground in Afghanistan. “We...

AFGHANISTAN IN PROPHECY: The Taliban, Biblical Prophecy, and the Great Harvest

What does the Bible say about these significant events that are unfolding in Afghanistan?


A series of videos on the most recent developments in Afghanistan.

Be Prepared

In part 1 of this series, we consider what “lawlessness” means within the immediate context of...

Evangelizing Muslims & Different Views on the Rapture

Joel Richardson is interviewed by Ron Matsen and asks him questions on Evangelizing Muslims, His...

Islam, Prophecy and End Times

Al Fadi and Author Joel Richardson discuss various biblical prophecy issues related to Islam and End...

Spirit of Adoption

Joel discusses what the Bible says about End Times.


What is the coming crisis? Typically referred to as “the great tribulation” this session takes a...

Martyrdom: The Glorious Destiny of the Church

The Scriptures clearly declare that global martyrdom is the glorious destiny of the end-time church.